
Last weekend was indeed my last weekend in London this year. I'm getting ready now to leave for Heathrow to go to Iceland! So many people (and one dog) I cannot wait to hug. 

Friday and sunday I worked in the Peter Jensen sample sale. Sunday was my last day. Sad. I am really going to miss all the wonderful people in this company. Next stop is Erdem where I will begin an internship in early January. Excited!

On saturday I went with Þórunn and Sara to The Museum of Everything. Amongst things we saw was a 300 year old puppet show, some fascinating Walter Potter taxidermy -like this one and also some live taxidermy (which I tried my best not to watch). This show is so good. Please go if you have the chance. After that I met Snorri in Winter Wonderland which was......interesting. A lot of rides, lights and christmasy techno music. I focused on the nice things like vintage looking rides, having mulled wine with Snorri and the funny joke a talking plastic tree told me; "How does Rudolf know when christmas is coming? -He looks at his calendeer." Hee hee. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Winter wonderland hljómar eins og yndislegur staður (af nafninu að dæma) en jóla-eitthvað og teknó fer einhvernvegin mjög illa saman..

Hlakka svooo til að sjá þig!!

kv. Hanna