
About two weeks ago I participated in an art workshop called Vinnslan and presented an installation in the form of a Milla Snorrason unconventional fashion show. I gathered a nice group of my girlfriends who are all working in an arts related environment and asked them to wear my clothes whilst chatting and drinking tea (or wine out of teacups later in the evening). 

It was such a fun evening and people seemed to really like seeing the clothes on......"non model" girls. How do I say this without sounding weird? Normal girls? Real women? Anyways they picked their outfits them selves, styled them selves and looked absolutely amazing! For me the whole point was for people to be able to come and see these talented and smart women wearing Milla Snorrason clothes in a relaxed environment which was a complete opposite of a loud and too cool for school fashion show. I'll show you more pics later and even tell you a bit about the stars of the show.

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